
Our Impact

Our Airport provides a significant contribution to the Southern Ontario economy. The Airport is financially self-sustaining and does not rely on any subsidy or financial benefit from any level of government. In 2021 we will pay close to $950,000 in municipal taxes to the City of London. Below are some of the highlights of our economic contribution to our region.

Total Economic Impact Generated for London




The Greater London International Airport Authority (GLIAA) recognizes the value of operating in a sustainable manner and the importance of sound environmental management for the benefit of our community. As such, we are committed to conducting operations at the London International Airport in a way that effectively manages and, where possible, minimizes environmental impacts. To achieve this objective GLIAA commits to the following:

  • Complying with all legislative requirements related to the environment and where possible exceeding them;
  • Tracking Airport Carbon footprint on an annual basis and identifying opportunities for carbon reduction and improvements in energy efficiency;
  • Responsibly selecting and utilizing chemicals so to minimize risk to airport lands and surrounding waterways;
  • Actively pursuing pollution prevention and waste reduction initiatives;
  • Monitoring Crumlin Creek for any potential contaminants;
  • Ensuring all construction and facility alteration projects on airport property are performed in a sustainable manger, so that all associated environmental impacts are as low as reasonably achievable;
  • Ensuring all operations, purchases and practices controlled by GLIAA are conducted in a environmentally and fiscally responsible manner; and
  • Communicating GLIAA’s environmental commitments to all relevant stakeholders, as required, and also employees, tenants and their business partners and the surrounding community.

​The scope of this policy concerns those business activities, services and locations directly under the control of GLIAA. GLIAA recognizes that participation with and cooperation from our tenants and business partners operating on airport property is crucial in achieving our environmental objectives. Thus, we commit to surveying airport tenants and business partners periodically to ensure their operations are consistent with GLIAA’s sustainability commitments and objectives.

Scott McFadzean
President & CEO